
About Dale

Dale Moore is currently a Front-End Web Developer at the Mississippi State University Extension Service working within the Extension Center for Technology Outreach on Web-based outreach projects. His work includes design and development work for various Extension programs, including Mississippi Master Naturalist, the Bricks-to-Clicks Marketing Program, the Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, Mississippi Women for Agriculture, among many other projects.

Dale attended Mississippi State University for his Bachelor of Fine Arts degree (2007), then received his Master of Science in Digital Design from Mississippi State (2009). He is currently a doctoral candidate in the Instructional Systems and Workforce Development program at Mississippi State University, focusing on digital accessibility in higher education and Extension programming.

He is also an active member of several professional development and networking organizations, including the National Extension Technology Community (NETC) where he currently serves on the board as Communications Manager. Other organizations include International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP), Interaction Design Association (IxDA), User Experience Professionals Association (UXPA), EDUCAUSE, HighEdWeb Association, The Learning Guild, and UPCEA.

Dale lives in the New Hope, MS community outside Columbus, MS, USA.

About This Site

Going over how I built this site (what tools, modules, Free/Open Source solutions, etc.) in case anyone wants to replicate the work I put in. :)