Welcome to the start of my new research website!

This website is where I hope to share my journey to complete the Doctor of Philosophy in Instructional Systems and Workforce Development at Mississippi State University, as well as a place to share my thinking, research, and interesting things of note during and after completion of the degree.

Right now, the website is using Drupal's default theme, but as I work to build out the functionality and content of the website you will start to see the look and content change over the course of time. Right now I'm mainly focused on building out functionality and creating everything I need for the process. Hopefully within the next few months the process will be complete and I can focus exclusively on just writing and posting content.

I hope to document the process of both building this website, as well as each step of my own dissertation journey, from the writing of the introduction, to the literature review, methodology (actually conducting my research study), and the results and conclusions of the research. After that, graduation and continuing to share what I learn down the road!

More to come!